
Monday, 13 June 2016

English Drama Text - struggle



In a city there is his name is Memet. Memet is a University student of Indonesia, he is smart and he always gets scholarship when he studies in that University. He lives whit his mother and his little sister .his little sister is Nurul. Their live as very sadness because they are beggar they always look for recycle things as like plastics or papers which are thrown. one day, in the small and dirty hut Memet and his sister are taking care of their mother because their mother is sick .they are going to look for the recycle things and go to school.

Mother                     : will you go to university after looking for the rubbish?

Memet                     : yes mom. I am sorry I can’t take care of you every time.

Mother                     : its okay I am sorry too because I have given you any difficulties. (Ask to Nurul) Nurul, have you been ready?

Nurul                        : yes, mom.

Mother                     : take care of your sister, Memet.

Memet and Nurul    : we are living mom, Assalamu’alaikum…(shake their mother hand before going to school)

Memet                     : Insyaallah I will buy medicine for you.

(When they want to look for recycle things and go to school a dirty truck always pick them up. So while looking for rubbish while going to school, that is their daily activity. (The small truck comes into the stage and picks them up).

In the university

Afif                           : have a look! The beggar is coming.

Khamsun                  : what smell is this? (Memet doesn’t care; he passes him without paying any attention)

In the class

Bohari                      : hi, how are you?

Memet                     : I’m fine but my mom is sick and I’m thinking about her.

Bohari                      : I’m sorry to hear that.

Memet                     : It’s okay.

Ryan                         : Have you done your duty met?

Memet                     : yes of course.

Ryan                         : let me see (Ryan grabs Memet’s paper)

The lecturer comes into the class

Ms. Fitri:                   Assalmu’alaikum… good morning students.

Students                   : Wa’alaikum Salam Wr. Wb. Good morning miss.

Ms. Fitri                    : Because I’m busy, I’m going to give you a duty. Please make a report about experiment rice seed in different varieties. Give it to me tomorrow. Ok thanks. Wassalamu’alaikum.
(At home)Memet confused about his family. He should buy medicine for his mother and pay the school FEE for his sister and him self.

Nurul                        : (she is crying)

Memet                     : what happened my sweetie?

Nurul                        : I was shy because of our family are beggar and I have this from my school. (Nurul gives a paper to Memet it’s about school fee)

Memet                     : (he is reading the paper) My sweety.Don’t be shy. Just important we never eat forbidden money. And about this payment it’s on my hand. You need to study well only ok!

Nurul                        : ok, thank you brother! ( Nurul out of stage and Memet is thinking about his problems while Nurul reading a poem)
                                 In another day, when Memet picks up the rubbish. Another beggar invites him to have a chat

Mr. Badrun              : Where have you been? I haven’t seen you for long time

Memet                     : I was looking for the rubbish in another place.

Mr. Badrun              : I thought you have been tired to be beggar again.(kidding)

Memet                     : no, I am not a person like that.

Mr. Badrun              : I hope you will prosperous the beggar as like us.

Memet                     : Insyaallah, thank you! (Memet out of stage)
                                 In other place Bukhori is gathering all of his friends to talk about Memet’s problems. And they have decided to collect the money to help Memet.

Bukhari                     : In this occasion I am going to talk about our friend who needs our help.

Muna                        : Who is she?

Bukhari                     : Right. We know that he is smart student in this university but we know the condition of his family. His mother is sick and you know that  we are going to face our examination.

Iwan                         : So, what can we do?

Muna                        : Ok, how if we tell the lecturer about the truth and we can ask to our friends to collect some money for him (Bukhori and Iwan are considering her advice and they agree)

Iwam                        : that’s good idea, do you agree Bukhori?

Bukhori                     : yes of course (out of stage)
                                 In the examination day, Memet is confused whether he go to university or not. Finally he decided to come to his university. Then he attends to university he goes straight to administration department.

In the office

Memet                     : excuse me, may I join this examination?

Dina                          : what is your name?
Memet                     : Abdul Memet , Biology students the last term.

Dina                          : yes of course, you have paid the administration.

Memet                     :( He is confused) thank you, I am so forgetful. (OUT OF STEGE)
                                 After finishing the examination Bukhori comes to Memet (Memet comes into the stage first and than Bukori )

Bukhori                     : Hey friend, what about your examination?
Memet                     : Alhamdulillah, little confusing and I am still thinking about something. Who has paid my examination?

Bukhori                     : I am sorry before actually our friends and I have collected some money to pay it.

Memet                     : Are you sure? I am sorry I have given you any defaulters. Any way thank you so much (he is surprise and terharu )
                                 Afif and khomsun come and disturb them.

Afif                           : (laugh) so amazing you could join the examination!

Khomsun                  :( Mock style) have you paid the exam?

Afif                           : (Afif talks to khomsun ) he must debt to someone, you know.

Bukhori                     : what are you talking about, go away. Don’t you have something to do another disturbing   someone?

Afif and Khomsun     : (walking while grumbling) the bodyguard is angry. Let’s go !(all of them out of stage one by one )
                                 Several months later all of students in university of Indonesia are getting certificates. Memet is the best student in Biology fact, Bukhory is the second but Afif isn’t one of the best student .

In the university

Mother                     : congratulation my son!

Memet                     : (he shakes her mother hand) thanks mom.

Mother                     : I believe that you are success full.

Memet                     : I have good news for you mom .my lecturer asked me to be his assistant.

Mother                     : Thanks ya alloh (Nurui comes )

Nurul                        : congratulation my brother, I am proud of you. I won’t be shy anymore because you have proven it .and a beggar can get good education. And I want to be as like you.

                                 (All actors gather on the stage to sing a song )


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