The use of simple present to state general facts and the second is usually used to tell her daily activities or activities carried out repeatedly. Although the shape is simple but its use is rather complicated, especially for the third person singular subject.
General facts, for example, The Sun rises in the east. Because if the publication in the West is certainly the one of the world apocalypse hehehe. While the example most often used by teachers for three times from the time of the old order until reform is I go to school, everyday. While it is not wrong, but these examples demonstrate the level of creativity of a teacher. Like a painting teacher will surely get bored if his students were told to draw two mountains then down the middle there is the sun and under the mountain already lined boxes that make up the field
.At the high school level although there are still many who failed in identifying sentences in the simple present form. Though the phrase means of identification in the form of tenses can be seen from the adverb of time or adverb of frequency. Because tenses itself is highly related with time.Tips The first course is to present simple to explain as simply as possible with the use of mind map like the example above. By using mind map at the beginning of learning, children right brain activated first to see images and a wide range of colors. Let them examine first the mind mapsnya then discussed together.
To check the level of understanding both tips are given a list of jobs with the sentences in the simple present form, then ask the children to communicate with citizens in a language school to inquire Inggirs existing activities and written in the list. So they have to find people who have already ditulisakan activities such as in the sentence on the list we provided previously.
simple present tense
The first material to learn English grammar tenses that The Simple Present Tense. The Simple Present Tense tenses puaaaling is widely used, and for most it will be a longer discussion.Simple meaning that is simple, while the present is now. So to say that the Simple Present is tenses (sentence pattern) used to tell the current time in a simple form. Other name than the Present is the FORM 1.So whenever you see the word present in any tenses, we can be sure that he was using one form - the form of what? yes verb form, because all the required predicate verb instead, look at the initial posting of this basic grammar. Try to see examples of sentences with the Simple Present belowTOBEI am a teacherYou are a teacherWe are teachersThey are teachersHe is a teacherShe is a teacherIt is my cat
If you observe, then the sentence above all use traditional predicate-1 or predicate in the form of 1, just look at her tobe not be separated from AM - IS - ARE. The example above is a simple present tense in nominal terms, since all sentences using tobe-1Are there any other form? There is, namely The Simple Present Tense in verbal form. Ie who do not have tobe but has a verb. Later will be explained. For now we simply conclude that there are 2 (two) types namely Simple Present1. Nominal Simple Present2. Verbal Simple Present
To change the sentence NOMINAL SIMPLE PRESENT into the negative form (deny) or interrogative (asking) is easy, observe(+) You are a teacher(-) You are NOT a teacher(?) Are you a teacher?
Okey, please you understand and your task now is make a minimum of 10 sentences using the Simple Present Nominal this.Now we proceed to the SIMPLE PRESENT VERBAL sentence patterns - that are not using the simple present tobe, but VERB1 as his predicate1 .. Observe the following exampleSubjectiveExample pronouns
I I workYou You workWe we workThey they workHe He worksShe She worksIt it works
See, for prefix HE, SHE, IT .. its use _s verb. Observe returned the following exampleHe runs every morningShe Teaches EnglishJohn has an English booksFor verbs ending in hiss (Hissing sounds - x, ch, s, sh), we use suffixes _es. thus becomes: Teaches, mixes, washes, kisses .. etc.
Exercise 1:read - John reads in the morning1. read2. sing3. study4. work5. arrive6. leave7. practice8. write9. watch10. finish11. Mix12. pass13. go14. haves15. pray
Observe again the example of this sentence:3. (study) -> John studies15. (pray) -> John PraysTo verb study - before the letter Y is consonant D, which is becoming STUDIESTo verb pray - before the letter Y is a vowel A, which is still PraysExercise 2: Which HAVE and HASWe -> We HAVE coffee in the morningHe -> He HAS coffee in the morning
1. he2 John and Mary3. they4. Mr. Allen5. she6. Mary7. the students8. my brothers9. my brother10. You and I11. he and she12. Mary's sister13. Mary's sisters14. The teacher15. people
In learning Grammar should not be interrupted. Surely you already know that there are 3 groups of tenses is Present Tense, Past Tense and Future Tense each group each having 4 tenses. To each his tenses where there has type Verbal and Nominal.Here stopped until further first ..jangan read unless you are sure to understand, hehe. Okey Furthermore, for the Simple Present have type Nominal or its predicate that predicatenya Tobe1 and Verbal Verb1. Still understand dong, okey we go again. For Nominal Simple Present, you've really understand how to use Tobe for each Subjective pronounsnya, while the Verbal Simple Present - all that begins with He, She, It then its verb get additional + S as follows.I writeYou writeWe writeThey writeHe writesShe writesIt writes
Likewise the verb HAVE like He Have (s) get an extra (s) - so that the sentence be HE HAS.Negative and interrogative sentence changeIYou DO NOT (do not) GOWeThey
For example: I do not go, You do not go, We do not go, They do not go. Furthermore, observe the following.HeighShe DOES NOT (does not) GOIt
Observe, in the sentence negative / interrogative beginning with He, She, It says its work (verb) it returns to normal NOT USE + S again because there DOES.(+) You write(-) You DO NOT write(?) DO you write?(+) He writes(-) He DOES NOT write(?) Does he write?Observe another example(+) You have a book(-) You DO NOT have a book(?) DO you have a book?(+) He has a book(-) He DOES NOT have a book(?) He DOES have a book?
Exercise 1: Change into a sentence (-) and (?)1. You have a car2. My sister has a car3. My sisters have a car4. You and I learn English5. John and Bill sing6. The cat drinks7. Joe has breakfast8. Our brother Teaches9. Our brothers work10. John's sisters have a car
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